Prescription Horse Medicine For Sale


Even horses in good care may develop issues requiring prescription medicine. This treatment may be compounded or manufactured using FDA-approved substances and often is only prescribed temporarily. The best guide to finding horse medicine for sale.

European nations were shaken up in 2013, following an adulteration scandal involving horsemeat. V & V Tack and Feed in Las Vegas responded by posting signs requiring those purchasing Ivermectin to show proof of ownership before buying any product from them.

Cushing’s Disease

Cushing’s disease is a hormonal disorder caused by too much cortisol, disrupting many bodily processes. Most often it’s the result of an overactive pituitary gland producing too much adrenocorticotropin-releasing hormone (ACTH), stimulating normal adrenal glands to produce excess cortisol production. But other cancer types also produce ACTH, prompting regular adrenal glands to overproduce cortisol; distinguishing these causes carefully as their treatment approaches may vary drastically.

Hyperadrenocorticism symptoms include increased appetite and fattening effects, thinning hair, difficulty with weight maintenance, round red full faces with weak immune systems and depression; weak metabolism leading to high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and blood clots in legs and lungs; menstrual changes among premenopausal women and increased breast milk production (galactorrhea).

Cushing’s disease can be diagnosed by obtaining a 24-hour urine-free cortisol test from your veterinarian, with treatment typically consisting of transsphenoidal pituitary surgery by an experienced neurosurgeon who specializes in pituitary tumor removal. this procedure typically cures approximately 80 percent of those living with Cushing’s. However, approximately 30 percent are either never fully cured by this surgery or return within a short time, necessitating further surgical options to address their disease.

If your pet has been diagnosed with Cushing’s disease, medication to control cortisol levels will likely be required to control symptoms. Such medications often include synthetic cortisol compounds like glucocorticoids or metylphenytoin that inhibit liver steroid hormone synthesis; depending on their dosage and type. They can either be given orally or intravenously depending on individual circumstances.

At our equine pharmacy, you’ll find all of the medicines necessary to treat these and other conditions in one convenient place. We stock reliable NSAIDs like Equioxx as well as estrogen suppressors like Regumate. Additionally, we have a broad-spectrum wormer designed to combat large and small strongyles, lungworms, pinworms, as well as various other species and stages of worms.


Even the best-cared-for horses may experience injuries that require prescription medication to treat. Also, health conditions like arthritis may necessitate the use of an equine pain reliever.

Treatment options for arthritis can include exercise, ice packs, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Many people have found that using all three together is the most effective way to alleviate inflammation and pain caused by arthritis.

Individuals living with arthritis can also find comfort in cognitive behavior therapy or mindfulness therapies, which help manage symptoms more effectively and can be found through NHS GP practices.

Exercise regularly when living with arthritis. Participation in low-impact exercises such as swimming, cycling, brisk walking, and yoga (T’ai Chi and Pilates are good examples), can improve muscle strength and keep joints flexible thereby decreasing pain levels over time. Exercise also releases endorphins which act as natural painkillers so people often notice when they start to exercise that their levels decrease – this effect could last a long time!

Estrus Suppressor

Mares that compete in sports such as racing, jumping, dressage, and endurance may experience unwanted behavior during their 21-day estrous cycle (heat). This could hinder training programs and performance during competitive events. Veterinarians have developed various methods to suppress ovarian hormones to minimize undesirable behaviors of mares in heat or prevent unintended breeding in feral mares. These include oral oxytocin and GnRH vaccines, covert ovariectomy, and artificial prolongation of the luteal phase using progestogen therapy – with mixed results from each. Altrenogest (Regumate), is an effective treatment to keep mares out of estrus and prevent them from entering heat. When taken daily orally, this drug keeps mares in diestrus and prevents heat. However, it can cause positive drug tests in in-contact horses through feed contamination and may pose risks to pregnant women or those of childbearing age as well as those living with certain forms of tumor or thromboembolic disease. Furthermore, daily administration poses risks that mares could experience muscle soreness after receiving their injections.

Primum non nocere (first, not harm) is often applied in these circumstances. Veterinarians must first ascertain that the undesirable mare behavior can be traced back to her estrous cycle and not another source such as back or hindquarters discomfort, behavioral hyperexcitability, or aggression. Owners are strongly encouraged to keep a diary of their mare’s behaviors to better help veterinarians select an effective course of treatment; such as GnRH vaccines or ovariectomy which may render her infertile which could potentially present problems if future breeding plans involve plans involving her becoming pregnant again.

Respiratory Support

Caretaking horses and other large animals is a huge responsibility, so you must use only top-quality horse medication to keep them in top condition. Horses may experience joint injuries and infections that require prescription horse medicine treatment; short-term remedies include horse antihistamines and antibiotics as well as long-term pain relievers for maximum comfort.

No matter your horse’s breed or training regimen, they’re going to need quality nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication at some point in their lives. EQUIOXX is an innovative COXIB class non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID), designed to provide 24-hour pain control relief from osteoarthritis in horses – the first such NSAID with such sustained relief! Available as paste or tablet versions for convenient administration – EQUIOXX offers precise dosing with safe use for administration.

Ivermectin 1.87% horse wormer is an effective broad-spectrum dewormer that is suitable for pregnant mares and foals as it will not negatively impact fertility. This horse wormer also helps control large strongyles, small strongyles, pinworms, ascarids, hairworms, lungworms, intestinal threadworms, bots summer sores as well as other parasites that are present. Additionally, pregnant mares and foals will benefit greatly as it will not negatively impact fertility either! Additionally, this horse wormer does not negatively impact fertility either! This horse wormer makes an excellent choice when treating large strongyles as it won’t negatively impact fertility!